Kirkintilloch High School’s Guidance Team has an excellent track record in ensuring pupils have a positive and sustainable school leaver destination.   

Each Guidance Teacher works closely with our Careers Officer (Shona Deans) and a variety of agencies to help support every pupil in securing a positive and sustainable post school destination.  

Shona Deans is in Kirkintilloch High School on a Monday and a Thursday. Pupils should speak to their Guidance Teacher if they want a careers appointment with Shona Deans or they can attend the drop in session Shona Deans offers on a Monday between 1.00 – 1.20pm.  

As part of the Personal and Social Education Programme, Shona Deans works closely with pupils in S4-S6 to deliver advice on career pathways, curriculum vitae writing and interview preparation. Your child will be using the MyWorldofWork website during their PSE programme, but we actively encourage pupils and parents to use this website at home to research career pathways. 

Shona Deans also offers various workshops throughout the course of the session to assist pupils with the completion of college, modern apprenticeship and job application forms.

Higher Education Fair
Skills Scotland Event
Historic Scotland Taster Day
Work Experience
Reach Programme
S2 Interdisciplinary Learning – Career’s Project