Welcome to Kirkintilloch High School’s website. We hope that you find the information contained within this website helpful in providing you with the flavour of the many exciting opportunities on offer to pupils in our school. Here at Kirkintilloch High, we are committed to securing the best possible outcomes for all of our young people, within a context of high quality learning experiences that engage and motivate our pupils. Our ethos is one of high ambition and aspiration, valuing the unique potential of every young person as they journey through a challenging and fun curricular programme that leads to high academic attainment for all.

This journey through their Broad General Education begins in our cluster primary schools where highly positive relationships have been fostered to pave the way forward for a smooth transition into S1 at Kirkintilloch.  In additional to our formal curriculum, our pupils have many planned achievement activities, enabling them to effectively contribute to their school and wider communities. The ethos of our school actively promotes participation of all through facilitating pupil leadership activities that enable our young people to exercise their voice in our school as responsible citizens. Overall, this approach ensures that we prepare out pupils for life and work after school by equipping them to embody the four capacities of curriculum for excellence as we develop our young workforce.

Parental partnerships are highly valued within our school. We recognise the unique role of parents and carers as the primary educators of our young people and strive to work alongside parents to maximise all opportunities for success. In addition to our open door policy for parents, including Head Teacher Drop-in Sessions, there are more formal opportunities for parents to have a voice in taking the strategic direction of the school forward. This includes our active Parent Teacher Association (PTA) and our Parent Council.

In summation, we value and respect all individuals in Kirkintilloch High School, and actively seek to support each of our young people to their full potential. Our school values of respect, ambition, fairness, compassion, fun and support underpin our daily actions.  This is a happy school where young people are firmly placed at the centre of our agenda. We hope that you will find this reflected in the information that you see throughout our website.

Yours faithfully,

Maureen Daniel
Head Teacher